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This is your place for checking the videos of our past classes

Winter Yarchei Kallah 5781

אסור להציל עצמו בממון חבירו
Can one use s
omeone else's money to save their life?

Rav Shlomo Cynamon

Winter Yarchei Kallah 5781
Treating a terminally ill patient
Rav Asher Weiss

Summer Yarchei Kallah 5780
Rav Aharon Lopiansky - Q & A

Summer Yarchei Kallah 5780
Rav Mordechai Willig - Q & A 

Kinyan Hamasechta
Shiur Iyun to the Kinyan Hamasechta chabura (Succah 22a)
Rav Tzvi Berkowitz

Summer Yarchei Kallah 5780
 Mitzvos Tzrichos kavana
Having Proper Intent While Performing Mitzvos
Rav Dovid Rosenbaum

Mazel Tov 6th Perek
Amud-A-Week - Divrei bracha on the completion of the 6th perek of Brachos. 
Rav Hershel Schachter

Kinyan Hamesechta
Divrei Bracha to the Kinyan Hamasechta chabura on the completion of Maseches Succah from: Rabbi Yehuda Orlansky,
Rav Menachem Greenblatt,
Rav Tzvi Berkowitz, Rav Yechiel Perr,
Rav Mordechai Yaroslawitz
Rav Shaya Cohen, Rav Dovid Mirsky
& Rav Beryl Gershonfeld

Mazel Tov 3rd Perek
Amud-A-Week - Divrei Bracha on the completion of the 3rd Perek of Brachos
Rav Shalom Kamenetzky

Mazel Tov 2nd Perek
Amud-A-Week - Drivei Bracha on the completion of the 2nd Perek of brachos
Rav Sheftel Neuberger ZT"L

 St Louis Community Kollel Campaign 2022

Kollel Pre-Shavuos Learning 5782
Rabbi Yaakov Berkowitz, Rabbi Dovid Miller

Amud-a-Week -Divrei Chizuk for the Amud-a-Week December 26, 2022 
Rabbi Yechiel Spero 

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