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  • Writer's pictureGabrielle Solomon

Pre-Shavuos Events - Mark your Calendars!

Wednesday, May 6 at 8pm

Thank you so much to Mrs. Ellen Notowich for arranging this unique opportunity! *Be sure to email her at if you would like to submit anonymous questions for Mrs. Aviva Barnett to answer during her shiur*

Click HERE to join this shiur! Meeting ID: 849 1050 3260 Password: 459918 


Tuesday, May 12 at 8:30pm

Click HERE to join the zoomzitz!

Meeting ID: 857-6052-5886

Dial-in Number: +1 312 626 6799


Sunday, May 17th at 10:30am

Rabbi Rabbi Menachem Salasnik was raised in London in a Rabbinic family and received Semicha from Rav Yitzchok Berkovits in The Jerusalem Kollel.

He is the author of the weekly "Journey To Better Speech" parsha sheet exploring aspects of speech in the Parsha. He campaigns on this topic in Israel and England, speaking in Shuls, businesses and homes.

Click HERE to join this shiur!

Meeting ID: 878-0736-4998

Dial-in number: +1 312 626 6799

To subscribe to his Parsha sheet, click HERE. This could be a great resource to learn with your chavrusa!


May 20th and June 3rd at 8:15pm

Click HERE to join each shiur!

Zoom ID is: 969 924 6316

To call in, dial: +1 312 626 6799

Due to a generous anonymous sponsor, the initial $25 will cover the entire series. If you have not made this payment yet, please do so using this link.

If you are unable to pay at this time, please reach out to me at about limited sponsorships that are available to cover the cost.


As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you soon on zoom,

Gabrielle Solomon | (805) 795-0213

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